Latest News And Pictures of Long March Pakistan Islamabad

Today i was watching news channel of Pakistan. In mean i was pushed to post about current situation of Pakistan. No doubt Pakistan is my home land. I love it alot with all i have. I am at stirke's city in simple words I am in Islamabad. I also once joined Imran Khan's long march. No matter how Imarn or Tahir ul Qadri is. I just follow what they say. I am one of the supporter of Imarn Khan and PAT. Pakistan Awami Tehrak is one of the great and popular party of Pakistan. In past year PAT and PTI made their name and got much popularity among the younger. It is true to say that today all the youth are with these named and great parties i mean Pakistan Awami Tehrek and Pakistan Threke Insaf. Today PAT is going to call public meeting in city of Punjab Pakistan Faisal Abad. I am cool and satisfy that they will swip up easily. But it will not gain more viewers same as Pakistan Awami Tehrek. Lets pray for them for today's public meeting of PAT at Faisal Abad.
PAT is saying they arranged round about 50000 fifty thousands chairs for public. They are very happy and hoping that more peoples will be their to hear their Leader's message. Some of workers of PAT was also saying that their leader will also announce some of important messages according to present situation of Pakistan and will also beware youth for upcoming step which they are thinking for. Lets wait what is to be done. Go Nawaz Go


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