Sexy Dating And Hot Peshaware College Girl Madiha Pictures & Mobile No

My cousin is an extremely kind girl who takes care of, and ensures the happiness of, others around her. She always knows how to cheer up another person and gives her utmost support in any given situation. She was born and raised in the USA. She is a very simple, family-oriented person and values relationships with other family members and friends. She is a fun, quirky girl who loves spending time with others, but also loves being independent. She would be a great marriage partner because she is a soft-hearted, kind, joyful, and an extremely loving person who can make anyone smile. I have known her all of my life and have always looked up to her. She is strict on her values and morals but knows where to draw the line. My cousin does not observe hijab but she is moderately religious, i.e. prays 5 times a day, fasts, goes to majlis, etc. Islam to her is a lifestyle and acknowledges that there is a lot to improve on. She would like to share this journey of improvement with her spouse; that they both help each other become closer to Allah. She would like someone who has a (minimum) bachelors degree and a job (that is, he should be well educated, knows his responsibilities and can take care of himself). She is seeking a spouse who is a nice, family-oriented person as family is very important for my cousin. He has to be someone who prays and is moderately religious, acknowledging being shia and can balance deen and dunya. He also should be fun and has a sense of humour. She would also like someone who is willing to accept a person for who they are, not just what the person looks like at face value.


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